Greater St. Cloud JobSpot

Diversity Resources

Recruitment Suggestions and Best Practices

Take advantage of Resource Toolkits

There are many Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion resource tools to use, especially for your specific industry.

If you or your organization is not sure where to start, take a look at this Diversity & Inclusion Employer Action Guide made by CareerForce and The City of Duluth, MN, or this Guide to Inclusive Hiring, also by Career Force.

Both of these resources are great holistic resources to use as you look to engage more inclusive and diverse hiring and retention practices.

Hire International Students

Watch this SCSU webinar to learn about tips to hire international students and ways you can connect with the strong talent pool in the St. Cloud area.


Develop new strategies and tactics to attract multicultural interests

Identify how diverse talent acquires their information and use those methods as the best ways to reach them.

  • Leverage social media to educate and connect with potential candidates
  • Recruit and advertise in minority media

Go where the candidates are – do research and find the best places to go within the community.

  • In minority owned businesses
  • Local minority charity events (be a corporate sponsor, serve on their advisory board/panel)


Network with Minority Organizations

  • Reach out to diverse student organizations by email or face-to-face contact
  • Establish true partnerships through your involvement
  • Tap into networks and advertise jobs in the ethnic media and circulate through various community organizations (via their leaders, members, and venue)


Sponsor and support community events

This will increase the company’s visibility and credibility in diverse communities.

Support involvement by all employees in minority community, industry, or business organizations and make considerations for the time involved to participate in these groups and attend events.


Create a strategy for developing future minority candidates

Implement internship programs, sponsor foreign exchange students, and endorse scholarships at targeted high schools and universities.


Include a diversity banner and/or section on your company’s home page and recruiting website. Verify that all company communications contain diverse messaging and imaging.

  • Incorporate all dimensions of diversity in any advertising strategies (race and gender are not the only forms of diversity)
  • Share and discuss your company’s culture and diversity initiatives through a video
  • Offer benefits such as flexible schedules, accommodating cultural and religious holidays, and openness to appropriate cultural/diverse clothing



Provide speakers, panelists, and support for conferences and meetings that target and appeal to a diverse audience


Your company will become known to the talent you want to attract.

Support involvement by all employees in minority community, industry, or business organizations and make considerations for the time involved to participate in these groups