by Tammy Campion | Mar 26, 2023 | GSDC eBriefings
CONGRESSMAN TOM EMMER HONORS GARTLAND IN U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer recently visited the GSDC office to present President Patti Gartland (shown with husband Bob at right) a portion of the March 14 Congressional Record, in which the congressman...
by Tammy Campion | Mar 13, 2023 | GSDC eBriefings
GREENLINE MARKETING EARNS 4 AD INDUSTRY AWARDS FOR GSDC’S ST. CLOUD SHINES CAMPAIGN St. Cloud Shines, the GSDC’s extensive marketing campaign to highlight our region’s many advantages to employees, entrepreneurs, young families and others, has made more than 170...
by Tammy Campion | Feb 27, 2023 | GSDC eBriefings
LEADERS HONORED AT 4TH ANNUAL BLACK EXCELLENCE BUSINESS EXPO Higher Works Collaborative’s 4th Annual Black Excellence Business Expo Feb. 17-19 at the Park Event Center brought together more than 500 people to celebrate Black owned businesses, entrepreneurs and other...
by Tammy Campion | Feb 13, 2023 | GSDC eBriefings
GSDC PRESIDENT GARTLAND TO RETIRE MAY 31 Patti Gartland, who began as the GSDC’s president on June 1, 2013, will retire on May 31 of this year. She informed the GSDC Board of her intentions in 2022 so they could begin identifying a successor, but held off on the...
by Tammy Campion | Jan 29, 2023 | GSDC eBriefings
MICHELO MULEYA JOINS GSDC AS EPIC COORDINATOR For the past few years the EPIC program – Exploring Potential Interests and Careers – has successfully introduced thousands of area students to hands-on and engaging career exploration, with the support of many local...